Advising program "Studieren an einer deutschen Universität"
October 7 - 10, 1997
We offer this program in order to acquaint students with the institutions of the University of Tübingen (study programs, libraries etc.) and the city of Tübingen (cultural life, transportation, shopping, bureaucracy etc.). Lectures, individual study advice and contact with German students will make things easier at the beginning.
Monday, Oct. 7, 1997 until Thursday, Oct. 10, 1997 (and: final party on Thursday in the evening)
Monday, Oct. 7, 1997; 2 pm; At: Neuphilologie, Wilhelmstr. 50
Free of charge,
but you should expect to pay DM 20,- for extras such as coffee, tea, final party etc., to be paid in Tübingen
As of now, until the beginning of the course at the latest, Oct. 7, 1997 in the Akademisches Auslandsamt or in our office ('Internationale Sprachprogramme'). Our address:
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